The regional cuisine offers delicious dried chile enchiladas, green or red tomato sesame, zacahuil, jerky, tamales, cheese, bocoles, chorizo, xohol, or ranchero chicken huasteco, barbecue beef, pork carnitas, mole verde and red, weathered and Tampico and the famous dish huasteco "consisting of meat, cured or fried chicken, enchiladas with cheese, vegetables and beans. Regional sweets are fruit in syrup, popsicles, crowbars, cocadas, brown sugar and citron. Drinks are on the cane liquor with fruit from the region and table wines

Regional Cooking is definitely a big draw, offering exquisite dried chile enchiladas, green or red tomato sesame, zacahuil, dried beef, tamales, cheese, bocoles, chorizo, xohol, chicken huasteco or ranchero, beef barbecue , pork carnitas, mole verde and red, ICSC and Tampico and the famous dish consisting of meat huasteco, cured or fried chicken, enchiladas with cheese, vegetables and beans. Regional sweets are fruit in syrup, popsicles, the crowbars and cocadas, brown sugar and citron. Drinks are on the cane liquor with fruit from the region and table wines.
Undoubtedly, Huejutla of Kings is the birthplace of the Hidalgo Huasteca addition to its impressive flora and fauna, the table makes us a lot of dishes including enchiladas are delicious and bocoles being offered to the public within municipal market.

And what about the traditional tamale Huasteca "The Zacahuil" containing chicken and pork meat wrapped in dough and layers of banana leaf, which by its size must be restrained by wires.

Among the most important dishes Huejutla have jerky, tamales, cheese, bocoles, chorizo, xohol, huasteco or ranchero chicken, beef barbecue, pork carnitas, mole verde and red, ICSC and Tampico and the famous dish consisting huasteco meat, cured or fried chicken, enchiladas with cheese, vegetables and pemuches say about beans.

Regional sweets are fruit in syrup, popsicles, the crowbars and cocadas, brown sugar, apricots and citron.

Drinks are the famous fresh water horchata, jamaica and the unique flavor of Jobo also the cane liquor with fruit from the region and table wines.

Every night at Municipal Market Square find people selling sesame delicious tamales, tapataxtle, pictamal, picadillo and rich and delicious pineapple atolls which have become their main source of income.

Also in Kings Huejutla baked the most delicious bread in the region, wallets, threads, kisses, sandals, etc ...

No doubt the visit Huejutla, "will you take it in the heart and stomach. "